Upcoming Events

  • Clay Pigeon Shoot will be held in May.
    Golf Outing will be held in August.
    Foundation Annual dinner and drawing will be held in November. 
    Information on these events will be posted closer to the actual dates.

Berlin Foundation receives donations

  • In December 2024 we received two donations for our EITC program. We received $1,000.00 from BDH/Konhaus Insurance and $12,500.00 from Wheeler Fleet Solutions. These funds are used to sponsor certain programs in our school district like the Lego Leagues, Amphibian/Mammal Dissections, Engineering is Elementary, K-12 Stem programs and others. A huge thank you to both of these companies that continue to support our EITC program.

2024 Foundation Raffle Grand Prize Winner

  • Our annual raffle dinner and drawing was held on Thursday, November 7, 2024 with many people in attendance for a delicious turkey dinner. We handed out over 90 door prizes and the grand prize of $2,000.00 was won by Tom Calvert. We also had 10 beautiful baskets that attendees could win. 

    A big thank you to everyone that attended the dinner and those that donated door prizes and baskets.

11th Annual Golf Scramble

  • Our 11th Annual BBSD Foundation Golf Scramble was held on Saturday, August 3, 2024 at both the Northwinds and Peninsula Golf Courses at Indian Lake. We had 25 teams participate and everyone had an enjoyable day on the course and lunch afterward. The winning teams were TEAM KNOPSNYDER (on the Northwinds Course with a score of 59 and team members Frank and Derrick Knopsnyder, Jesse Young, and Aaron Clark) and TEAM MILLER (on the Peninsula Course with a score of 57 and team members Gary and Cody Miller, Tom Mulhollen, and John Keller). Congratulations to the winners and thank you to all the teams who participated and the many sponsors.

    Team Knopsnyder  Team Miller

2024 Sporting Clay Shoot

  • Congratulations to the winners of the 8th Annual BBSD Foundation Sporting Clay Shoot, Jenner Rod & Gun Club.  Members of the team were Len Hillegas, Rick Sager, Dante Petrocelli and Bob Miller.  A big THANK YOU to all the sponsors and teams that participated in this year's shoot.  Your continued support will help to enhance the education of the students of Berlin Brothersvalley School District.