• Concussion Information

    All athletes in grades 7, 9, and 11 and any other athlete that did not compete in a sport the previous year will be given an impact test before they begin their athletic year. The test is used to establish a baseline that can be used to track progress if a concussion would occur.



    • High School athletes ( 7th , 9th and 11th grades and all new athletes) participating in all school sponsored activities will undergo IMPACT baseline testing before the beginning of their season.

    • Any athlete experiencing symptoms should report to the Athletic Trainer or coach in the absence of the athletic trainer as soon as possible.

    • Any athlete experiencing signs, symptoms, or behaviors consistent with a concussion shall be removed from athletic activities by an athletic trainer or coach in the absence of the athletic trainer as soon as possible.

    • An initial evaluation will be performed by the athletic trainer as soon as possible after the time of injury for all the athletes exhibiting signs, symptoms or behaviors consistent with a concussion.

    • An IMPACT test will be given to the concussed athlete within 72 hours of injury and compared to baseline testing. Results of the test will be provided to the athletes parents with an extended plan of care.

    • No concussed athlete will return to play the same day.



    • Any concussed athlete will have to have a PIAA section 8 form completed by a physician trained in concussion management before returning to play.

    • Athletes must be asymptomatic of symptoms.

    • Athlete will complete progressing exertional testing over a several day span.

    • If an athlete has a return of symptoms during exertional testing, the athlete will start over at day one of the exertion testing when asymptomatic.

    • Upon successful completion of the above-mentioned steps, the athlete may return to play at that time.



    • After a concussion it is best not to give the concussed athlete any pain medications that may mask the symptoms of a concussion until symptoms have plateaued any and are subsiding.

    • Concussion symptoms can fluctuate over the days following a concussion so close observation is required for worsening symptoms that may require immediate medical attention.

    • Exposure to loud noises, bright lights, computers, video games, television and phones (including text messaging) may all worsen the symptoms of a concussion.

    • Athletes should rest as much as possible in the days following a concussion with return of the above-mentioned devices only occurring after patient's symptoms have reduced to the level that they may complete these activities symptom free.


    ** Any questions on the Concussion Management Plan please contact Mr. Paul or Mrs. Hankinson. **