•   The American Legion’s Boys State program is one of the longest-running and most respected civic education programs for high school students in the country. Each state runs its own program. Pennsylvania’s Keystone Boys State welcomes over 200 participants each year for its program at Shippensburg University, free of cost.

        At Boys State, participants are exposed to the rights and privileges, the duties and the responsibilities of a franchised citizen through a week-long government simulation, which begins on the local level and builds up to the state level. Activities include government elections, legislative sessions, court proceedings, and law enforcement presentations.

        Throughout the week, participants also hear from a variety of guest speakers, visit their representatives in Harrisburg at the State Capital, start & run their own business, partake in recreational activities (including sports, chorus and band), and much more. 

    How to Attend:

        The program is open to an PA high school junior the summer of his junior year and is usually selected by the local American Legion Post or high school guidance department. Anyone may apply to attend by downloading the application and bringing it to your local Legion Post for sponsorship.