DAUGHTERS OF UNION VETERANS OF THE CIVIL WAR ESSAY CONTEST - for seniors - Winning entry will be awarded $500. For more information and essay title, please stop in the guidance office. Submission deadline is April 1, 2025.
DELTA KAPPA GAMMA RECRUITMENT GRANT - for female high school seniors majoring in education. Interested students should pick up an application and information in the guidance office. Deadline is April 1, 2025.
SOMERSET RURAL ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE SCHOLARSHIP - This $1,000 scholarship is for seniors whose parent's primary residence receives electricity from Somerset Rural Electric Cooperative. Applications are available in the guidance office. Application deadline is April 10, 2025.
PERSONAL FINANCE SCHOLARSHIP - This scholarship was created with the purpose of emphasizing the importance of personal finance. Two scholarships will be awarded, a $1,000 winner and a $500 runner-up. Any Berlin senior is eligible to apply for the scholarship regardless of their post-graduation plans. Applications will be collected until Friday, April 11, 2025.
FRITZ SCHOLARSHIP - $1,000 - Any senior interested in writing a 500 word or less essay for the Fritz Scholarship, please stop in the guidance office for essay criteria. Essay deadline is April 11, 2025.
FIRST COMMONWEALTH BANK SCHOLARSHIP - Any senior interested in doing the First Commonwealth Bank College Scholarship on-line essay, please stop in the guidance office for more information. Applicant must have at least a 3.0 gpa and complete a 500 words or less essay detailing how they have made a difference in their community and how that improvement impacted their community and life. Application and essay deadline is February 28, 2025 at 5:00 p.m.
AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY ESSAY CONTEST - any student in grades 9-12 interested in doing this essay contest please stop in the guidance office for more information and essay title. The essay deadline is February 21, 2025.
BERLIN BROTHERSVALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIPS - These scholarships are for seniors, which includes the following: Daniel Sterner Memorial Scholarship, McKenzie-Raupach Memorial Scholarship, Berlin Brothersvalley School District Foundation Scholarship, Matthew Deeter Technology Scholarship, Education Scholarship, Stutzman Family Foundation Scholarship. Scholarships will be awarded to students who plan to attend accredited post-secondary four-year colleges, post-secondary two-year programs, and vocational or technical schools. Applicants must have a GPA of 2.5 or better. By completing this application, you will be considered for any of the scholarship categories listed. Some categories will award multiple scholarships. Application packets are available in the guidance office. Application deadline is Friday, February 28, 2025.
AMERICAN LEGION NEED A LIFT CATALOG WITH SCHOLARSHIPS- Any student wishing to view the scholarships, essay contests, etc. available from the American Legion - please visit their website for the "Need a Lift" at www.needalift.org. This contains extensive information on scholarships for veteran's dependents. Various deadline dates.