The Cup O’ Joe program is a small business within the Life Skills classroom. Once a month we put order forms in each staff member’s mailboxes. On those order forms are several items to choose from. There is fresh brewed coffee, hot chocolate, hot tea, and a baked good. Also on the menu are a variety of Pepsi products. Once the order forms are collected, the students tally the orders so we can determine what we need to shop for and how much we need to bake. The students are responsible for totaling the orders and making correct change when we deliver. We deliver to the elementary school and the middle school. In the high school, we set up a store for the faculty to make purchases between classes.
A few times each year, we offer a Student Cup O’ Joe. The students can make the same purchases as the staff within the classroom. The staff and students are very welcoming of this change of pace for our student body.
Money earned from the Cup O’ Joe program helps pay for the groceries at Riverside and for extra field trips within our area. The students often earn tip money that they can save for some of our outings. Each year we invite the ESL students, Mrs. Kim Diehl and Mrs. Amy Polakoski to join us.
While gaining a cultural experiences provided by Cup O’ Joe, the students acquired valuable experience with job skills, money skills, and social skills. They learned that hard work can pay off with something special such as a field trip and a little extra cash in their pockets.